Writer’s Block: Search for intelligent life

One of my favorite movies is Contact this quote about other life in the universe. “If we’re alone in the universe, that’s an awful lot of wasted space.” So yes I believe there is other intelligent life in distant galaxies, sometimes I question the intelligence of the life on our planet. haha πŸ˜› I do not feel we have anything to fear from other life forms from distant galaxies. I would hope we would deal peacefully with any aliens that came to visit.

Writer’s Block: So far so good

Well, I would have to say Avatar!! It was a great movie visually, and a wonderful story. Hmm Best song… I’m not sure. I love hearing Timothy & Lydia play their violins so whatever they are playing at the time is what I think is the best song of the year! And Clarissa when she plays her recorder or sings. hehe πŸ˜› Best book so far this year would be the one I’m reading now, “Hinds feet in High Places” because it’s about having a relationship with the savior.

Good night πŸ™‚


Just been overwhelmed lately. I am sooo looking forward to not have to deal with certain people anymore with PTA, but I am soooo going to miss working with most everyone else. PTA has been rewarding but mostly frustrating, especially this year. Finding out that people are so political is just so sad. They are all about what can I get out of this move or that move. I don’t understand how they can be that way.

Anyway, I need to get to bed. I’ll post more again tomorrow. I need to remember I have this journal. I think it helps me to write stuff down and let it go.